Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems
Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems

Project results

342 items found
E.g., 2024-09-08
Category Publication date Title Publishing information Authors Files
Communications 07/05/19 Análisis de asociación genómico para crecimiento individual y eficiencia alimentaria colectiva en conejos bajo dos regímenes de alimentación, Genome wide association study of individual growth and cage feed efficiency in rabbits under two feeding regimens XVIII Jornadas sobre producción animal, 7-8 May 2019, Campus de Aula Dei, Zaragoza, Spain Sánchez J.P., Legarra A., Velasco M., Piles M.,... PDF icon Sanchez et al 2019
Communications 07/05/19 Efecto del tipo productivo y nivel de proteína de la ración sobre el ritmo fraccional de síntesis proteica en cerdos en crecimiento, Effect of the productive type and level of protein of the ration on fractional protein synthesis rate in growing pigs XVIII Jornadas sobre producción animal, 7-8 May 2019, Campus de Aula Dei, Zaragoza, Spain Sarri L., Seradj A.R., Tor M., De la Fuente G.,... PDF icon Sarri et al 2019
Communications 07/05/19 Determinación de la actividad ∆9-desaturasa en cerdos duroc mediante la administración de ácido esteárico deuterado en la dieta, Determination of the real ∆9-desaturase activity in Duroc pigs by adding deuterated stearic acid in the diet XVIII Jornadas sobre producción animal, 7-8 May 2019, Campus de Aula Dei, Zaragoza, Spain Sarri L., De la Fuente G., Seradj A.R., Estany J... PDF icon Sarri et al 2019
Communications 07/05/19 Aplicación de correlaciones parciales y teoría de la información a redes de estimas de consanguinidad en conejos XVIII Jornadas sobre producción animal, 7-8 May 2019, Campus de Aula Dei, Zaragoza, Spain Rodríguez-Ramilo S.T., Reverter A., Sánchez J.P,... PDF icon Rodríguez-Ramilo et al 2019
Scientific papers 24/04/19 Use of group records of feed intake to select for feed efficiency in rabbit Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 136 (6): 474-483 Piles M., Sánchez J.P. PDF icon Piles et al., 2019 (preprint)
Scientific papers 01/04/19 Combining alternative processing methods for European soybeans to be used in broiler diets Journal of Animal Feed Science and Technology, 253: 45-55 Sakkas P., Royer E., Smith S., Oikeh I.,... PDF icon Sakkas et al 2019
Communications 20/03/19 La formulation bilinéaire permet de minimiser le coût alimentaire et les rejets en alimentation de précision Treizièmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Tours, 20 et 21 mars 2019 Dusart L., Rhoulam Y., Méda B. PDF icon Dusart et al 2019 PDF icon Dusart et al 2019 (Powerpoint presentation)
Communications 20/03/19 Vers une alimentation de précision chez le poulet de chair : modélisation des besoins en énergie, lysine et phosphore à partir des performances de croissance, Towards precision feeding in broilers: Modelling of energy, lysine and phosphorus requirements using growth performance Treizièmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Tours, 20 et 21 mars 2019 Méda B., Talineau M., Chéret C., Narcy A., Dusart... PDF icon Méda et al 2019 (text) PDF icon Méda et al 2019 (Powerpoint presentation)
Deliverables 25/02/19 Deliverable D1.4 Characterisation and evaluation of the bioavailability of novel feed protein ingredients for pigs and poultry Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 Kaposvár University, Newcastle University, IRTA,... PDF icon Deliverable D1.4
Deliverables 25/02/19 Deliverable D2.3 Traits related to the individual feed intake in group-housed broilers and rabbits, and the capacity of broilers to optimise their diet and nutrient intake related to feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 INRA, IRTA, Newcastle University PDF icon Deliverable D2.3
Deliverables 25/02/19 Deliverable D2.6 Predictive biomarkers as traits for digestive efficiency in pigs Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 Aarhus University, WUR, INRA, Topigs Norsvin PDF icon Deliverable D2.6
Deliverables 25/02/19 Deliverable D3.6 Detailed specification for the calculation “engine” to be used in the DSS in Task 4.1 Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 Kaposvár University, IRTA, INRA PDF icon Deliverable D3.6
Deliverables 25/02/19 Deliverable D5.1 Rules to use information from the gut microbiota to improve feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 INRA, IRTA, Topigs Norsvin PDF icon Deliverable D5.1
Deliverables 25/02/19 Deliverable D5.3 New methodologies to account for repeated measurements, social effects, and variability in performance in genetic evaluations Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 INRA, IRTA, Topigs Norsvin, WUR PDF icon Deliverable D5.3
Deliverables 25/02/19 Deliverable D5.2 New traits to select for feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 INRA, IRTA, Topigs Norsvin, IFIP PDF icon Deliverable D5.2
Deliverables 14/02/19 Deliverable D1.2 New process for the extraction of protein from green biomass Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 Aarhus University, DuPont, Hamlet Protein, WUR PDF icon Deliverable D1.2
Posters 05/02/19 Prédiction en temps réel du poids vif des porcs en croissance logés en groupe à partir des pesées quotidiennes réalisées avec une bascule automatique, Real-time prediction of individual body weight of group-housed growing pigs from daily measurements with an automatic weighing scale 51e Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 5-6 février 2019, Paris, France, A21 Quiniou N., Marcon M., Brossard L. PDF icon Quiniou et al 2019
Posters 05/02/19 Influence of perturbations on the performance of growing pigs: from automatic detection of perturbations to characterisation of the adaptive response of the animals, Influence des perturbations sur la performance des porcs en croissance : de la détection automatique à la caractérisation de la réponse adaptative des animaux 51e Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 5-6 février 2019, Paris, France, G08 Nguyen Ba H., Taghipoor M., van Milgen J. PDF icon Nguyen et al 2019 PDF icon Nguyen et al 2019 (poster)
Communications 05/02/19 Modélisation dynamique de l’utilisation des nutriments et des besoins individuels chez la truie en lactation 51e Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 5-6 février 2019, Paris, France, A16 Gauthier R., Largouët C., Gaillard C., Cloutier L... PDF icon Gauthier et al 2019 (abstract) PDF icon Gauthier et al 2018 (Powerpoint presentation)
Communications 05/02/19 Modélisation de l'évolution moyenne du poids vif après la mise bas selon l'âge chez des truies croisées Large White x Landrace, Modelling the relationship between body weight and age at farrowing in Large White x Landrace sow 51e Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 5-6 février 2019, Paris, France, A17 Quiniou N. PDF icon Quiniou 2019 (abstract)
Communications 05/02/19 Efficacité alimentaire et activité de l’axe corticotrope : comparaison des caractères de production dans des lignées divergentes soumises à un aliment fibreux, Feed efficiency and HPA axis activity: a comparison of divergent lines fed a fibre diet on production traits 51e Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 5-6 février 2019, Paris, France Gilbert H., Terenina E., Ruesche J., Gress L.,... PDF icon Gilbert et al 2019 (abstract)
Scientific papers 28/01/19 Estimating direct genetic and maternal effects affecting rabbit growth and feed efficiency with a factorial design Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 2019, 00:1-6 Garreau H., Ruesche J., Gilbert H., Balmisse E.,... PDF icon Garreau et al., 2019
Posters 12/01/19 Layers response to suboptimal diet through phenotypic and transcriptomic changes in four tissues XVII Plant & Animal Genome Conference, 12-16 January 2019, San Diego, California, USA Jehl F., Brenet M., Rau A., Désert C., Boutin M...
Communications 12/01/19 An atlas of chicken long non-coding RNAs gathering multiple sources and expression across more than twenty tissues XVII Plant & Animal Genome Conference, 12-16 January 2019, San Diego, California, USA Jehl F., Muret K., Bernard M., Esquerre D.,... PDF icon Jehl et al 2019 (Powerpoint presentation)
Scientific papers 15/12/18 A growth model to predict body weight and body composition of broilers Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, 75: 17-24 Dukhta G., van Milgen J., Kövér G., Halas V. PDF icon Dukhta et al., 2018
Technical publications 11/12/18 Application of growth models in broiler nutrition and feeding, Teljesítmény modellek alkalmazása a brojlerek takarmányozásában Baromfiágazat Halas V., Dukhta G. PDF icon Halas and Dukhta 2018
Scientific papers 03/12/18 An acute challenge with a deoxynivalenol-contaminated diet has short- and longterm effects on performance and feeding behavior in finishing pigs Journal of Animal Science, 96 (12): 5209-5221 Serviento A.M., Brossard L., Renaudeau D. PDF icon Serviento et al., 2018
Scientific papers 15/11/18 Genomic prediction for crossbred performance using metafounders Journal of Animal Science van Grevenhof E.M., Vandenplas J., Calus M.P.L. PDF icon van Grevenhof et al., 2018
Communications 14/11/18 New traits related to feed efficiency EuroTier 2018, 13-16 November 2018, Hanover, Germany Jansman A. PDF icon Jansman 2018 (Powerpoint presentation)
Communications 14/11/18 Alternative feed ingredients and technologies for improved nutritive value of feed EuroTier 2018, 13-16 November 2018, Hanover, Germany Bach Knudsen K.E. PDF icon Bach Knudsen 2018 (Powerpoint presentation)
Communications 14/11/18 Novel tools for efficient livestock: the Feed-a-Gene project EuroTier 2018, 13-16 November 2018, Hanover, Germany van Milgen J., Heuzé V., Tran G. PDF icon van Milgen et al 2018 (Powerpoint)
Communications 06/11/18 How much have we advanced, current situation, and how far can we go with growth models? 2018 PSA Latin American Scientific Conference, 6-8 November, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil van Milgen J., Dukhta G., Halas V. PDF icon van Milgen et al 2018 (Powerpoint presentation)
Scientific papers 01/11/18 The impact of reducing dietary crude protein and increasing total dietary fiber on hindgut fermentation, the methanogen community and gas emission in growing pigs Animal Feed Science and Technology, 245: 54-66 Seradj A. R., Balcells J., Morazan H., Alvarez-... PDF icon Seradj et al., 2018
Communications 24/10/18 An update on the Feed-a-Gene project 2018 Swine industry Symposium, 24-25 October, Shanghai, China Van Milgen J. PDF icon Van Milgen 2018 (Powerpoint presentation)
Scientific papers 24/10/18 Effect of dietary fiber content on nutrient digestibility and fecal microbiota composition in growing-finishing pigs PLOS One, 13 (10): e0206159 Le Sciellour M., Labussière E., Zemb O.,... PDF icon Le Sciellour et al., 2018
Communications 24/10/18 EU Feed-a-Gene Locally adapted pork production in Brazil versus the Netherlands, 24-26 October 2018, Concórdia, Brazil Calus M., Jansman A., Verschuren L., Bergsma R.,... PDF icon Calus et al 2018, LocalPork (Powerpoint presentation)
Scientific papers 16/10/18 Does lipidomic serum analysis help in the assessment of digestive efficiency in chickens? Poultry Science, 16 October 2018 Beauclercq S., Lefèvre A., Nadal-Desbarats L.,... PDF icon Beauclercq et al., 2018
Dissertations 11/10/18 New genetic longitudinal models for feed efficiency PhD Dissertation, 11 October 2018, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France Huynh-Tran V.H. PDF icon Huynh-Tran 2018
Technical publications 01/10/18 La bonne dose pour le cochon Sciences Ouest, n°365, octobre 2018 Brossard L., Gaillard C.
Communications 29/09/18 Teljesítmény modellek alkalmazása a brojlerek táplálóanyag szükségletének meghatározására XXI Poultry Symposium, 29 September 2018, Kaposvár University, Hungary Halas V., Dukhta G. PDF icon Halas and Dukhta 2018 PDF icon Halas and Dukhta 2018 (Powerpoint presentation)
