Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems
Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems

Project results

342 items found
E.g., 2024-09-08
Category Publication date Title Publishing information Authors Files
Communications 21/08/18 Plasma metabolites related to nitrogen efficiency in low and high birthweight pigs DPP (Digestive Physiology of Pigs) 2018, 21-24 August, Brisbane, Australia Verschuren L.M.G., Jansman A.J.M., Calus M.P.L.,...
Posters 21/08/18 Effects of birth weight on nitrogen digestion and utilization in grower pigs DPP (Digestive Physiology of Pigs) 2018, 21-24 August, Brisbane, Australia Jansman A.J.M., van der Peet-Schwering C.M.C.
Communications 29/06/18 Predicción de la respuesta correlacionada en íncide de conversión usando modelos de interacción social: evaluación por simulación en cerdos Duroc Reunión Nacional de Mejora Genética Animal, León, Spain, 14-15 June 2018 Herrera W., Sánchez J.P. PDF icon Herrera and Sanchez 2018
Communications 29/06/18 Determinismo genético de la microbiota intestinal del conejo XIX Reunión Nacional de Mejora Genética Animal, León, Spain, 14-15 June 2018 Velasco-Galilea M., Piles M., Viñas M., Rafel O... PDF icon Velasco Galilea et al 2018
Posters 29/06/18 Enterotypes, network and functional profiling of rabbits’ cecal microbiota Animal Microbiome Congress Europe, 20-21 June 2018, La Défense, France Velasco-Galilea M., Ramayo-Caldas Y., Sánchez J.P...
Deliverables 28/06/18 Deliverable D7.5 3rd annual newsletter and minutes of the two demonstration events and of the stakeholder meeting organised during the 3rd year of the project Feed-a-Gene, June 2018 AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D7.5
Scientific papers 20/06/18 Can novel ingredients replace soybeans and reduce the environmental burdens of European livestock systems in the future? Journal of Cleaner Production, 187: 338-347 Tallentire C.W., Mackenzie S.G., Kyriazakis, I. PDF icon Tallentire et al., 2018
Scientific papers 19/06/18 Indirect genetic effect model using feeding behaviour traits to define the degree of interaction between mates: an implementation in pigs growth rate Animal, 12 (7): 1-9 Ragab M., Piles M., Quintanilla R., Sánchez J.P. PDF icon Ragab et al., 2018
Technical publications 01/06/18 Adaptación de los sistemas ganaderos de producción en monogástricos para mejorar su eficiencia y sostenibilidad Albeitar, Junio 2018, 216: 54-57 Sánchez J.P., Heuzé V., Tran G., van Milgen J. PDF icon Sanchez et al 2018
Communications 30/05/18 Dispositivo para el control individual de consumo durante el engorde de conejos alojados en jaulas colectivas. Resultados preliminares 43 Symposium de Cunicultura ASESCU, Calamocha, Teruel, 30-31 May 2018 Sánchez J.P., Piles M., Pascual M., Rafel O. PDF icon Sanchez et al 2018
Scientific papers 10/05/18 Longitudinal analysis of direct and indirect effects on the average daily gain in growing rabbits using a structured antedependence model Genetics Selection Evolution, 50: 25 David I., Sánchez J.P., Piles M. PDF icon David et al., 2018
Scientific papers 27/04/18 Relationships between digestive efficiency and metabolomic profiles of serum and intestinal contents in chickens Scientific Reports, 8: Article number: 6678 Beauclercq S., Nadal-Desbarats L., Hennequet-... PDF icon Beauclercq et al., 2018
Deliverables 26/04/18 Deliverable D3.3 A simulation model to predict the post-digestion nutrient use in monogastric animals Feed-a-Gene, April 2018 Kaposvár University, IRTA, INRA, Newcastle... PDF icon Deliverable D3.3
Posters 25/04/18 Pen-allocation strategies for uniform weights in finishing pigs Feed-a-Gene 3rd annual meeting, Newcastle, UK Filipe J., Knol E., Vogelzang R., Kyriazakis, I. PDF icon Filipe et al 2018
Posters 24/04/18 Variability of feed efficiency in growing pigs: towards predictive biomarkers 3rd annual meeting of H2020 Feed-a-Gene project, 24-26 April 2018, Newcastle, United Kingdom Gondret F.
Posters 24/04/18 GWAS of digestive efficiency in chicken 3rd Annual Meeting of H2020 Feed-a-Gene project, Newcastle, UK, 24-26 April 2018 Mignon-Grasteau S., Hennequet-Antier C., Le Bihan... PDF icon Mignon-Grasteau et al 2018
Communications 18/04/18 Nutrición de precisión en cerdas 2° Simposio Internacional de nutrición animal Biofarma, 18-19 April 2018, Rosario, Argentina Quiniou N. PDF icon Quiniou 2018 (Powerpoint presentation)
Scientific papers 13/04/18 Fecal microbial composition associated with variation in feed efficiency in pigs depends on diet and sex Journal of Animal Science, 96 (4): 1405–1418 Verschuren L.M.G., Calus M.P.L., Jansman A.J.M.,... PDF icon Verschuren et al., 2018
Posters 04/04/18 Développement d’un outil de prévision des besoins nutritionnels des truies en lactation. Application à l’alimentation de précision Journées d'Animation Scientifique du département Phase (JAS Phase 2018), 4-5 avril 2018, Rennes, France Gauthier R., Guay F., Brossard L., Largouët C.,...
Communications 04/04/18 Variabilité de l’efficacité alimentaire chez le porc en croissance : mécanismes moléculaires impliqués et recherche de biomarqueurs prédictifs Journées d’animation scientifiques du département Phase - Recueil des résumés, 4-5 avril 2018 Messad F., Louveau I., Renaudeau D., Gondret F.
Posters 04/04/18 Quelles méthodes pour analyser les données de poids vif et de consommation alimentaire utilisées comme entrées dans les modèles nutritionnels en alimentation de précision chez le porc en croissance ? Journées d’animation scientifiques du département Phase - Recueil des résumés, 4-5 avril 2018 Brossard L., Taoussi I., van Milgen J., Dourmad J...
Technical publications 01/04/18 Un paso adelante en la alimentación de precisión Suis N° 146, 20-27 de la Fuente G., Seradj A.R., Balcells J.
Deliverables 29/03/18 Deliverable D3.2 A simulation model to evaluate the digestive use of compound feeds and nutrients in monogastric animals Feed-a-Gene, March 2018 INRA, AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D3.2
Communications 15/03/18 Precision feeding of gestating sows XXXII Jornadas Técnicas de Indukern, 15-16 March 2018, Lleida and Madrid, Spain Quiniou N. PDF icon Quiniou 2018 (Powerpoint presentation)
Communications 03/03/18 Effect of diet and sex on feed efficiency and the fecal microbiome at slaughter weight AASV Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, 3-6 March 2018 Verschuren L.M.G., Calus M.P.L., Jansman A.J.M.,...
Communications 21/02/18 Precision nutrition to improve the efficiency, are there any reserve?, Precíziós takarmányozás a hatékonyság növelésére; Hol vannak még tartalékok? PREGA Conference, Precision Livestock Farming section, 21 April 2018, Budapest, Hungary Halas V. PDF icon Halas 2018
Communications 11/02/18 Genetic parameters of feed intake patterns of Duroc sows during gestation and lactation WCGALP, 11-16 February 2018, Auckland, New Zealand Helal M., Ragab M., Sánchez J.P. PDF icon Helal et al. 2018
Communications 11/02/18 Responses of pigs divergently selected for cortisol level or feed efficiency to a challenge diet during growth WCGALP, 11-16 February 2018, Auckland, New Zealand Gilbert H., Terenina E., Ruesche J., Gress L.,...
Communications 11/02/18 Microrabbits: a factorial design to evaluate genetic and maternal effects on growth and feed efficiency in a line selected for residual feed intake WCGALP, 11-16 February 2018, Auckland, New Zealand Garreau H., Ruesche J., Gilbert H., Balmisse E.,... PDF icon Garreau et al 2018
Communications 11/02/18 Multiple trait single step Bayesian GWAS on pooled data WCGALP, 11-16 February 2018, Auckland, New Zealand Sánchez J.P., Legarra A., Piles M. PDF icon Sanchez et al. 2018
Communications 11/02/18 Changes of EBV trajectories for feed conversion ratio of growing pigs due to divergent selection for residual feed intake 11th WCGALP, 11-16 February 2018, Auckland, New Zealand Huynh-Tran V.H., David I., Billon Y., Gilbert H. PDF icon Huynh-Tran et al 2018
Communications 23/01/18 Développement d'un outil d'aide à la décision pour l'alimentation de précision des truies en gestation 50èmes Journées de la recherche porcine, 6-7 février 2018, Paris Dourmad J.Y., Gagnon P., Brossard L., Pomar C.,... PDF icon Dourmad et al. 2017
Communications 12/01/18 Plasma metabolites related to nitrogen efficiency in low and high birthweight pigs WIAS Science Day 2018, Work on your Impact in Animal Sciences and Society, Wageningen, The Netherlands Verschuren L.M.G., Calus M.P.L., Jansman A.J.M.,... PDF icon Verschuren et al. 2018
Book chapters 01/01/18 The quantitative principles of animal growth in: Paul Moughan, Kees de Lange, Wouter Hendriks, ed. Feed Evaluation Science. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2018 Filipe J.A.N., Leinonen, I., Kyriazakis, I.
Book chapters 01/01/18 Models of feed utilization and growth for monogastric animals In: Paul Moughan, Kees de Lange, Wouter Hendriks, ed. Feed Evaluation Science. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2018, 423-455 Halas V., Gerrits W.J.J., van Milgen J. PDF icon Halas et al 2018
Deliverables 06/12/17 Deliverable D2.1 A database with information on feeding behaviour in pigs as a trait related to feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene, December 2017 IRTA PDF icon Deliverable D2.1
Scientific papers 01/12/17 Genetic parameters and expected responses to selection for components of feed efficiency in a Duroc pig line Genetics Selection Evolution, 2017, 49:86 Sánchez J.P., Ragab M., Quintanilla R.,... PDF icon Sanchez et al., 2017
Communications 24/11/17 A growth model to predict body weight and body composition of broilers Debrecen University, Hungary Dukhta G., van Milgen J., Kövér G., Halas V. PDF icon Dukhta et al. 2017
Communications 23/11/17 Development of a dynamic simulation model to evaluate the influence of feeding strategies on fatty acid composition of pigs 4th Fatty Pig Science & Utilization International Conference, 23-25 November 2017, Badajoz, Spain Lizardo R., Tous N., Esteve-García E., van Milgen... PDF icon Lizardo et al 2017
Communications 16/10/17 Is feed efficiency a relevant indicator to assess the role of livestock in sustainable food production? Harnessing research and innovation for food 2030: a science policy dialogue, 16 October 2017, Brussels, Belgium van Milgen J. File van Milgen 2017 (Powerpoint presentation)
