Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems
Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems


39 items found
E.g., 2024-12-13
Publication date Title Publishing information Author(s) Files
28/02/20 Deliverable D5.5 Demonstration of the use of social effects and crossbred and genomic information to improve selection and feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene, February 2020 WUR, Topigs PDF icon Deliverable D5.5
27/02/20 Deliverable D7.8 5th annual newsletter and minutes of the two demonstration events and of the stakeholder meeting organised during the 5th year of the project Feed-a-Gene, February 2020 AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D7.8
27/02/20 Deliverable D3.7 A DSS tool (software) integrating the models developed in Tasks 3.1 to 3.4 for different livestock species and categories Feed-a-Gene, February 2020 KU, IRTA, INRAE, UNEW, AFZ, Topigs Norsvin, Cobb PDF icon Deliverable D3.7
24/02/20 Deliverable D6.6 Sustainability Appraisal Workshop Feed-a-Gene, February 2020 UNEW, AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D6.6
24/02/20 Deliverable D4.8 Demonstration of a precision feeding system for growing pigs at a commercial farm operation to demonstrate practical feasibility Feed-a-Gene, February 2020 Universitat de Lleida, Gran Suino Italiano, EXAFAN, IFIP, INRAE, AFZ. PDF icon Deliverable D4.8
13/01/20 Deliverable D5.4 Methodologies to account for crossbred and genomic data in selection for feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene, January 2020 WUR, Topigs, INRAE PDF icon Deliverable D5.4
20/12/19 Deliverable D6.5 Evaluation of the sustainability of the proposed production systems Feed-a-Gene, December 2019 UNEW, KU PDF icon Deliverable D6.5
19/12/19 Deliverable D7.7 Six factsheets presenting the results of the six R&D WPs of the project to be used during the final stakeholder meeting Feed-a-Gene, December 2019 AFZ and all partners PDF icon Deliverable D7.7
05/09/19 Deliverable D4.6 Prototypes of precision feeding systems gestating and lactating sows Feed-a-Gene, September 2019 INRA, IFIP PDF icon Deliverable D4.6
05/09/19 Deliverable D3.5 A model to predict the variation in nutrient utilisation for different purposes (i.e., growth, gestation, milk and egg production) in monogastric animals Feed-a-Gene, September 2019 INRA, Newcastle University, Topigs Norsvin PDF icon Deliverable D3.5
05/09/19 Deliverable D6.4 Farmer and consumer attitudes to proposed production systems Feed-a-Gene, September 2019 Newcastle University, CREDA-UPC-IRTA, AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D6.4
03/09/19 Deliverable D2.5 Methodological tools (e.g. based on NIRS determination in faeces) for the rapid evaluation of variation in nutrient digestibility between animals Feed-a-Gene, September 2019 INRA PDF icon Deliverable D2.5
30/08/19 Deliverable D1.5 New enzymatic cocktails for novel feed ingredients Feed-a-Gene, August 2019 DuPont, UNEW, IRTA PDF icon Deliverable D1.5
30/08/19 Deliverable D2.2 A feeding device allowing individual feed intake recording in group-housed rabbits Feed-a-Gene, August 2019 IRTA, Claitec, INRA PDF icon Deliverable D2.2
26/08/19 Deliverable D1.6 Predictive equations linking feed composition to the nutritive value to be applied with NIR technology Feed-a-Gene, August 2019 AU PDF icon Deliverable D1.6
19/08/19 Deliverable D2.7 Databases with traits relative to the adaptation of growing pigs and sows to challenging environmental conditions Feed-a-Gene, August 2019 INRA PDF icon Deliverable D2.7
30/06/19 Deliverable D6.3 Cost benefit analysis of proposed management systems Feed-a-Gene, June 2019 CREDA-UPC-IRTA, UdL, AU, KU PDF icon Deliverable D6.3
29/06/19 Deliverable D6.2 Life Cycle Analyses of proposed approaches within a sample of production systems Feed-a-Gene, June 2019 IFIP, INRA, ITAVI PDF icon Deliverable D6.2
29/06/19 Deliverable D7.6 4th annual newsletter and minutes of the two demonstration events and of the stakeholder meeting organised during the 4th year of the project Feed-a-Gene, June 2019 AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D7.6
26/06/19 Deliverable D1.1 New parameters for soybean and rapeseed use in feed production Feed-a-Gene, May 2018 IFP, Terres Inovia, Olead, Hamlet Protein, DLO PDF icon Deliverable D1.1
25/02/19 Deliverable D5.3 New methodologies to account for repeated measurements, social effects, and variability in performance in genetic evaluations Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 INRA, IRTA, Topigs Norsvin, WUR PDF icon Deliverable D5.3
25/02/19 Deliverable D5.2 New traits to select for feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 INRA, IRTA, Topigs Norsvin, IFIP PDF icon Deliverable D5.2
25/02/19 Deliverable D5.1 Rules to use information from the gut microbiota to improve feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 INRA, IRTA, Topigs Norsvin PDF icon Deliverable D5.1
25/02/19 Deliverable D3.6 Detailed specification for the calculation “engine” to be used in the DSS in Task 4.1 Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 Kaposvár University, IRTA, INRA PDF icon Deliverable D3.6
25/02/19 Deliverable D1.4 Characterisation and evaluation of the bioavailability of novel feed protein ingredients for pigs and poultry Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 Kaposvár University, Newcastle University, IRTA, Aarhus University PDF icon Deliverable D1.4
25/02/19 Deliverable D2.3 Traits related to the individual feed intake in group-housed broilers and rabbits, and the capacity of broilers to optimise their diet and nutrient intake related to feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 INRA, IRTA, Newcastle University PDF icon Deliverable D2.3
25/02/19 Deliverable D2.6 Predictive biomarkers as traits for digestive efficiency in pigs Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 Aarhus University, WUR, INRA, Topigs Norsvin PDF icon Deliverable D2.6
14/02/19 Deliverable D1.2 New process for the extraction of protein from green biomass Feed-a-Gene, February 2019 Aarhus University, DuPont, Hamlet Protein, WUR PDF icon Deliverable D1.2
31/08/18 Deliverable D2.4 A database with traits related to variation in amino acid utilization in pigs as affected by genotype, age, and sex for predicting variation in feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene, August 2018 WUR PDF icon Deliverable D2.4
31/08/18 Deliverable D3.4 A ‘Robustness’ simulation model to predict short and long-term animal responses to fluctuations in nutrient supply and in environmental conditions Feed-a-Gene, August 2018 INRA PDF icon Deliverable D3.4
28/06/18 Deliverable D7.5 3rd annual newsletter and minutes of the two demonstration events and of the stakeholder meeting organised during the 3rd year of the project Feed-a-Gene, June 2018 AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D7.5
26/04/18 Deliverable D3.3 A simulation model to predict the post-digestion nutrient use in monogastric animals Feed-a-Gene, April 2018 Kaposvár University, IRTA, INRA, Newcastle University, AFZ, Topigs Norsvin, Cobb PDF icon Deliverable D3.3
29/03/18 Deliverable D3.2 A simulation model to evaluate the digestive use of compound feeds and nutrients in monogastric animals Feed-a-Gene, March 2018 INRA, AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D3.2
06/12/17 Deliverable D2.1 A database with information on feeding behaviour in pigs as a trait related to feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene, December 2017 IRTA PDF icon Deliverable D2.1
28/06/17 Deliverable D6.1 Report on Delphi Analysis of expert opinion on sustainability indicators Feed-a-Gene, June 2017 AFZ, CREDA, UPC, IRTA, WUR, Kaposvar University, Newcastle University PDF icon Deliverable D6.1
09/06/17 Deliverable D7.4 2nd annual newsletter Feed-a-Gene, June 2017 AFZ PDF icon Feed-a-Gene_D7.4_2nd_annual_newsletter.pdf
09/06/16 Deliverable D7.3 1st annual newsletter Feed-a-Gene, June 2016 AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D7.3
09/09/15 Deliverable D7.2 Dissemination plan Feed-a-Gene, September 2015 AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D7.2
28/07/15 Deliverable D7.1 Communication package Feed-a-Gene, July 2015 AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D7.1