WP7 Dissemination, training and technology transfer
WP leader: Gilles Tran (Association Française de Zootechnie)
Involved partners: AFZ, INRA, WUR, UdL, IRTA, AU, IFIP, ITAVI, CETIOM, IT
The objectives of WP7 are:
- to create a dissemination and exploitation plan that maximises the impact of the project;
- to carry out this plan by disseminating information about the project, its objectives, the approaches and results in the different components of the animal production sector (i.e., pigs, poultry, rabbits, nutrition/feeding, genetics/breeding) throughout Europe;
- to promote the use of innovative technologies resulting from the project amongst the stakeholders and to ensure that the products of the project have industry application.
The dissemination and technology transfer plan will consist of four tasks. Task 7.1 aims at identifying the categories of stakeholders and their respective needs, at defining and planning the optimal dissemination strategies, and at defining an evaluation strategy. Task 7.2 aims at facilitating communication and exchange between partners and stakeholders about the project’s goal and status throughout the duration of the project, to raise awareness and interest about the project and make stakeholders more receptive. Task 7.3 aims at disseminating the project results in scientific and technical communities, including through demonstration and training sessions, so that the project results are well understood and ready for the next level of technology readiness. Task 7.4 aims at ensuring that the value created during the project is transferred to industrial stakeholders with the proper legal protections. The dissemination and technology transfer tasks will involve, from early on, all the project partners and the main potential stakeholders. Certain activities will be carried out at a central level (i.e., dissemination plan, visual identity, website development and maintenance, creation of communication documents, organisation of the project meetings) to maximise consistency and efficiency. The writing of scientific publications and scientific communications at international congresses will be done directly by the researchers involved in WPs 1 to 6. The participation of project members in national and regional events, including trainings will be primarily co-organised by partners and stakeholders with links to the local industry. Technology transfer will be organised within WP7 through a specific committee that will advise on the management of knowledge and innovation arising from the project.
- Task 7.1: Creation of a dissemination plan (M1-M6)
- Task 7.2: Communication (M1-M60)
- Task 7.3: Result dissemination (M13 – M60)
- Task 7.4: Technology transfer (M17 – M60)