Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems
Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems

Media centre

81 items found
E.g., 2025-01-18
Category Publication date Title Publishing information Authors Files
Videos 13/02/20 Pre-industrial prototype of precision feeder for growing pigs in restricted-feeding conditions Feed-a-Gene, January 2020 IFIP, INRAE
Videos 13/02/20 FeedUtiliGene: a free tool for modelling the biological functions in pigs and poultry Feed-a-Gene, January 2020 Kaposvár University, INRAE, Newcastle University
Videos 13/02/20 Feed-a-Gene final meeting Part 3: Sustainability appraisal, SWOT analysis and round table Feed-a-Gene, January 2020 AFZ
Videos 13/02/20 Feed-a-Gene final meeting Part 2: Research reports by the Work Package leaders Feed-a-Gene, January 2020 AFZ
Videos 13/02/20 Feed-a-Gene final meeting Part 1: Introduction Feed-a-Gene, February 2020 AFZ
Factsheets 27/01/20 Factsheet N°6 More sustainable pigs and poultry production systems Feed-a-Gene, January 2020 Newcastle University, IRTA, Kaposvár University,... PDF icon Feed-a-Gene Factsheet N°6 (web) PDF icon Feed-a-Gene Factsheet N°6 (print)
Factsheets 27/01/20 Factsheet N°5 New selection strategies for better feed use Feed-a-Gene, January 2020 INRAE, Wageningen University Research, IRTA,... PDF icon Feed-a-Gene Factsheet N°5 (web) PDF icon Feed-a-Gene Factsheet N°5 (print)
Factsheets 27/01/20 Factsheet N°4 Precision feeding systems for pigs and poultry Feed-a-Gene, January 2020 Universitat de Lleida, INRAE, Wageningen... PDF icon Feed-a-Gene Factsheet N°4 (web) PDF icon Feed-a-Gene Factsheet N°4 (print)
Factsheets 27/01/20 Factsheet N°3 Models and tools for predicting feed and nutrient utilization in pigs and poultry Feed-a-Gene, January 2020 Kaposvár University, INRAE, Newcastle University... PDF icon Feed-a-Gene Factsheet N°3 (web) PDF icon Feed-a-Gene Factsheet N°3 (print)
Factsheets 27/01/20 Factsheet N°2 New animal traits for innovative livestock management strategies Feed-a-Gene, January 2020 Wageningen University Research, INRAE, Newcastle... PDF icon Feed-a-Gene Factsheet N°2 (web) PDF icon Feed-a-Gene Factsheet N°2 (print)
Factsheets 27/01/20 Factsheet N°1 European protein autonomy: more and better Feed-a-Gene, January 2020 Aarhus University, Wageningen University Research... PDF icon Feed-a-Gene Factsheet N°1 (web) PDF icon Feed-a-Gene Factsheet N°1 (print)
Videos 22/01/20 Get insight to agonistic behavior in pigs using Social Network Analysis IRTA Agha S., Fabrega E., Dalmau T., Sanchez J.P.
Videos 22/01/20 Bird-e. Automate de consommation alimentaire pour volailles. Automated ration dispenser for poultry INRAE INRAE
Videos 30/12/19 Innovations and impact of Feed-a-Gene for European livestock farming, by Harinder Makkar Feed-a-Gene AFZ
Videos 30/12/19 Precision feeding system: demonstration in a commercial pig farm Feed-a-Gene Gran Suino Italiano
Videos 23/05/19 Alternative feed ingredients and real-time characterisation Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR session: Novel tools for healthier and efficient livestock: from research to application, 14 November 2018 at EuroTier, Hanover, Germany AFZ
Videos 22/05/19 The benefits of precision feeding for poultry Feed-a-Gene AFZ, INRA, ITAVI
Videos 22/05/19 New animal traits for innovative feeding and breeding strategies Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR session: Novel tools for healthier and efficient livestock: from research to application, 14 November 2018 at EuroTier, Hanover, Germany AFZ
Videos 21/05/19 Novel tools for efficient livestock in the Feed-a-Gene project Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR session: Novel tools for healthier and efficient livestock: from research to application, 14 November 2018 at EuroTier, Hanover, Germany AFZ
Videos 20/05/19 New traits related to feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR session: Novel tools for healthier and efficient livestock: from research to application, 14 November 2018 at EuroTier, Hanover, Germany AFZ
Videos 19/05/19 Alternative feed ingredients and technologies for improved nutritive value of feed Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR session: Novel tools for healthier and efficient livestock: from research to application, 14 November 2018 at EuroTier, Hanover, Germany AFZ
Videos 13/05/19 SPACE 2018 A tool for driving the precision feeding of growing pigs, SPACE 2018 Un outil de pilotage pour l'alimentation de précision des porcs charcutiers SPACE 2018, September 2018, Rennes, France INRA, IFIP
Factsheets 14/03/19 Modéliser les performances et les besoins du poulet de chair pour mettre en oeuvre une stratégie d'alimentation de précision Feed-a-Gene, WP4 ITAVI, INRA, Wageningen University Research,... PDF icon WP4 2019 Modélisation des performances et des besoins
Factsheets 14/03/19 La formulation bilinéaire : une méthode de formulation adaptée pour les stratégies d'alimentation de précision Feed-a-Gene, WP4 ITAVI, INRA, Wageningen University Research,... PDF icon WP4 2019 Formulation bilinéaire
Factsheets 14/03/19 L'alimentation de précision en poulet de chair Feed-a-Gene, WP4 ITAVI, INRA, Wageningen University Research,... PDF icon WP4 2019 Alimentation de précision en poulet de chair
Videos 09/01/19 The expectations of pig breeding industry from research, from animal health & genetics point of view Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR Knap P. (Genus plc), filmed and edited by Jacek...
Videos 09/01/19 Innovations for sustainable animal nutrition Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR Leo den Hartog (Trouw Nutrition), filmed and...
Videos 09/01/19 Panel discussion 1: opportunities and difficulties in multi-disciplinary and multi-actor research Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR Van Milgen J., Pinard Van Der Laan M.-H. et al.,...
Videos 09/01/19 Panel discussion 2: user needs and applications Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR Pinard-Van Der Laan M.-H., Van Milgen J. (INRA),...
Videos 09/01/19 Multidisciplinary approaches for improving sustainable livestock production: introduction Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR van Milgen J. (INRA), filmed and edited by Jacek...
Videos 09/01/19 The importance of research for developing standards to control animal diseases: the role of the OIE Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR Messori S. (OIE), filmed and edited by Jacek...
Videos 09/01/19 Even things that look simple can be complex! Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR van Milgen J. (INRA), filmed and edited by Jacek...
Videos 09/01/19 A systems genetics approach reveals potential regulators of feed efficiency in pigs Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR Ramayo-Caldas Y (IRTA), filmed and edited by...
Videos 08/01/19 Effect of heat stress on faecal microbiota composition in swine: preliminary results Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR Mathilde Le Sciellour (INRA), filmed and edited...
Videos 08/01/19 Layers response to a suboptimal diet through phenotype and transcriptome changes in four tissues Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR Frédéric Jehl (INRA), filmed and edited by Jacek...
Videos 08/01/19 Detection and characterization of the feed intake response of growing pigs to perturbations Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR Hieu Nguyen Ba (INRA), filmed and edited by Jacek...
Videos 08/01/19 Twists and turns of interdisciplinary work in research projects: which conditions and achievements ? Feed-a-Gene / SAPHIR Marianne Cerf (INRA), filmed and edited by Jacek...
Videos 07/01/19 Season 2 Episode 5: Stakeholder expectations for Feed-a-Gene, by Egbert Knol, Topigs Norsvin Feed-a-Gene An interview of Egbert Knol (Topigs Norsvin) by...
Videos 01/10/18 Season 2 Episode 4: Precision feeding of growing pigs: how does it work? Feed-a-Gene The video was created by IFIP in partnership with...
Videos 27/09/18 Season 2 Episode 3: Rapeseed meal and enzyme supplementation on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in pigs Feed-a-Gene An interview of Rozil Lizardo Hartog (IRTA) by...
