Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems
Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems


180 items found
E.g., 2024-10-23
Publication date Title Author(s) Event Files
31/08/20 Prediction of feed efficiency based on caecal microbiota using machine learning algorithms Piles M., Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M., Helies V., Drouilhet L., Zemb O., Sánchez J.P., Garreau H. EAAP 2020
31/08/20 A comparative study of support vector machine and GBLUP to predict average daily gain from single nucleotide polymorphisms Piles M., Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M., Ballester M., Sánchez J.P. EAAP 2020
31/08/20 Efficient pig and poultry production: what did we learn from Feed-a-Gene? Van Milgen, J., Bach Knudsen, K.E., Jansman, A., Halas, V., Pomar, J., Gilbert, H., Garrod, G. EAAP 2020
31/08/20 Genetics of gut microbiota of growing pigs in three contrasted environments Gilbert H., Labrune Y., Le Sciellour M., Billon Y., Giorgi M., Hochu I., Gourdine J.L., Zemb O., Renaudeau D., Riquet J., EAAP 2020
16/08/20 Towards precision feeding in laying hens: Update and validation of a mathematical model to predict daily calcium and phosphorus flows Guyot Y., Méda B., Nozeran A., Souchet C., Bernard J., Pampouille E. World Poultry Congress 2020
16/08/20 Experimental validation of a precision feeding strategy to reduce feeding cost and nutrient excretion in broilers Pampouille E., Guyot Y., Souchet C., Bernard J., Méda B. World Poultry Congress 2020
16/08/20 From measuring average body weight of the flock to precision feeding in broilers: A modelling approach to adjust daily feed composition Méda B., Pampouille E., Talineau M., Dusart L., Narcy A., Guyot Y. World Poultry Congress 2020
01/07/20 Prediction of feed efficiency based on caecal microbiota using machine learning algorithms Piles M., Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M., Helies V., Drouilhet L., Zemb O., Sánchez J.P., Garreau H. World Rabbit Congress 2020
01/07/20 A comparative study of support vector machine and GBLUP to predict average daily gain from single nucleotide polymorphisms Piles M., Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M., Ballester M., Sánchez J.P. World Rabbit Congress 2020
01/07/20 Machine learning algorithms for the prediction of feed efficiency based on caecal microbiota Piles M., Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M., Helies V., Drouilhet L., Zemb O., Sánchez J.P., Garreau H. World Rabbit Congress 2020
01/07/20 Genome Wide Association Study of growth and feed efficiency traits in rabbits Garreau H., Labrune Y., Chapuis H., Ruesche J., Riquet J., Demars J., Benitez F., Richard F., Drouilhet L., Zemb O., Gilbert H. World Rabbit Congress 2020 PDF icon Garreau et al 2020
01/07/20 A comparative study of machine learning methods to predict average daily gain from single nucleotide polymorphisms Piles M., Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M., Ballester M., Sánchez J.P. World Rabbit Congress 2020 PDF icon Piles et al 2020
01/07/20 Prediction of growth and feed efficiency performances in growing rabbits from their gut microbiota Velasco-Galilea M., Piles M., Viñas M., Rafel O., Ramayo-Caldas Y., González-Rodríguez O., Guivernau M., Sánchez J.P. World Rabbit Congress 2020 PDF icon velasco_2020_WRC_rabbit_macrobiota.pdf
01/07/20 Electronic feeder to record individual feed intake on rabbits raised in collective cages Sánchez J.P., Perucho O., Pascual M., Rafel O., Piles M. World Rabbit Congress 2020 PDF icon Sanchez et al 2020
01/07/20 Feed restriction as an alternative to the use of antibiotics in non controlled environment farms Pascual M., Martin E., Fabre C., Garreau H., Gilbert H., Piles M., Sánchez M., Sánchez J.P. PDF icon Pascual et al 2020
14/06/20 Prediction accuracy of individual feed conversion ratio using group records in growing Duroc pigs Herrera-Cáceres W., Sánchez J. P. 6th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics
14/06/20 Genetic determinism of rabbits’ cecal microbiota Velasco-Galilea M., Piles M., Viñas M., Rafel O., Ramayo-Caldas Y., González-Rodríguez O., Guivernau M., Sánchez J. 6th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics
14/06/20 Genetic control of fecal microbiota composition of growing pigs in three contrasted environments Gilbert H., Labrune Y., Le Sciellour M., Riquet J., Billon Y., Giorgi M., Hochu I., Gourdine J.L., Zemb O., Renaudeau D. 6th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics
25/03/20 Using high throughput phenotyping of growth and feed intake to improve adaptation of chickens to sustainable diets Mignon-Grasteau S., Berger Q., Guettier E., Le Bihan-Duval E. 7th Mediterranean Poultry Summit
18/02/20 FeedUtiliGene: interaktív szoftver a táplálóanyagok értékesülésének becslésére Halas V. PREGA 2020 PDF icon Halas 2020 (Powerpoint)
12/02/20 Environmental assessment of new European protein sources for pig feeds Espagnol S., Delage C., Royer E., Dauguet S., Jensen S.K., Gilbert H., Garcia-Launay F. LCA Food 2020
04/02/20 L’efficacité digestive est-elle un caractère intéressant pour améliorer l’efficacité alimentaire chez le porc ? Déru V., Bouquet A., Labussière E., Ganier P., Blanchet B. Carillier-Jacquin C., Gilbert H. 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France
04/02/20 Analyse environnementale de l’utilisation de sources de protéines européennes pour l’alimentation porcine Espagnol S., Delage C., Royer E., Dauguet S., Jensen S.K., Garcia-Launay F. 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France
04/02/20 Analyse environnementale de stratégies d’alimentation de précision mises en oeuvre expérimentalement ou par simulation chez le porc en croissance Garcia-Launay, F., Delage C., Quiniou, N., Brossard L., Marcon M., Espagnol S. 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France
04/02/20 Quelles nouvelles mesures pour améliorer la sélection pour l’efficacité alimentaire des porcs ? Gilbert H., Bouquet A., Aldridge M., Bergsma R., Sanchez J.P., Piles M., Calus M. 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France PDF icon Gilbert et al 2020
04/02/20 Identification de biomarqueurs de l’efficacité alimentaire, Identifying biomarkers as new traits for feed efficiency in pigs Gondret F., Skou Hedemann M., Verschuren L., Wang J., De La Fuente G., Gilbert H., Jansman A. 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France PDF icon Gondret et al 2020
04/02/20 Impact du décorticage et des traitements thermiques du soja sur la valeur nutritionnelle des tourteaux partiellement déshuilés chez le porcelet, Influence of dehulling and thermal treatment of soybeans on nutritive value of partly defatted soymeals for piglets Halas V., Royer E., Carre P., Bikker P., Quinsac A., Bach Knudsen K.E. 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France PDF icon Halas et al., 2020
04/02/20 Impact d’expositions courtes et répétées au déoxynivalénol sur les performances et la composition microbienne fécale du porc en finition Le Sciellour M., Serviento A., Zemb O., Renaudeau D. 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France
22/01/20 EU funded research on livestock production: from HORIZON 2020 to HORIZON EUROPE Cavitte J.C. Feed-a-Gene final meeting PDF icon Cavitte 2020
22/01/20 In the search for European protein autonomy – more and better Bach Knudsen K.E. Feed-a-Gene final meeting PDF icon Bach Knudsen 2020 (Powerpoint)
22/01/20 New animal traits for innovative livestock management strategies Jansman A. Feed-a-Gene final meeting PDF icon Jansman 2020 (Powerpoint)
22/01/20 FeedUtiliGene - software to demonstrate modelling on biological functions Halas V. Feed-a-Gene final meeting PDF icon Halas 2020 (Powerpoint)
22/01/20 Innovative feeding technologies to improve feed efficiency and reduce the environmental impact Pomar J. Feed-a-Gene final meeting PDF icon Pomar 2020 (Powerpoint)
22/01/20 New traits and models for the genetic improvement of feed efficiency Gilbert H. Feed-a-Gene final meeting PDF icon Gilbert 2020 (Powerpoint)
22/01/20 Evaluating the sustainability of new approaches to livestock feeding Garrod G. Feed-a-Gene final meeting PDF icon Garrod 2020 (Powerpoint)
22/01/20 Final meeting: welcome by Jaap van Milgen van Milgen J. Feed-a-Gene final meeting PDF icon van Milgen 2020
22/01/20 Get insight to agonistic behavior in pigs using Social Network Analysis Agha S., Fabrega E., Dalmau T., Sanchez J.P. Feed-a-Gene final meeting PDF icon Agha et al 2020
22/01/20 Sustainability appraisal: a combination of economic, environmental and social benefits Garrod G. Feed-a-Gene final meeting PDF icon Garrod 2020 (Powerpoint)
12/12/19 New animal traits for innovative feeding and breeding strategies Jansman A. Feed-a-Gene: 5 year advances for breeding towards improved feed efficiency PDF icon Jansman 2019 (Powerpoint)
12/12/19 Potential role of the fecal microbiome in breeding for feed efficiency Verschuren L. Feed-a-Gene: 5 year advances for breeding towards improved feed efficiency PDF icon Verschuren 2019 (Powerpoint)
