Experimental validation of a precision feeding strategy to reduce feeding cost and nutrient excretion in broilers
In broiler production systems, precision feeding is an alternative solution to the classical phase feeding strategy to reduce feeding cost and nutrient excretion without impairing animal performance. This strategy consists in the daily adjustment of diet composition to meet the nutritional requirements of the flock (energy, protein, and lysine). To this purpose, a decision support system (DSS) based on several mathematical models was developed to evaluate the appropriate nutrient supply for the next day, using actual body weight (BW) data of the flock [1]. An experimental trial was conducted to demonstrate the relevance and benefits of this tool. The trial involved 912 as-hatched Ross 308 broilers (sex ratio 50:50) randomly distributed in 24 pens at 10 days of age. Three feeding strategies were tested (8 pens/strategy): 1/ a classical growing-finishing diet (Control, C), 2/ a daily-multiphase strategy (DMP) composed of a blend of two pre-diets changing every day and calculated prior to the trial, and 3/ a precision feeding strategy (PF) composed of a blend of two pre-diets daily adjusted according to the DSS using actual growth performance of the flock. Eight animals per pen (four males, four females) were individually weighted every day to assess the average BW for each strategy. Feed intake per pen was also measured each day. Using the average body weight of the PF birds, “most-probable” body weight gain and nutritional requirements for the next day were estimated by the DSS to prepare the optimal blend for the next day. No significant difference was found in growth or feed intake, but feed conversion ratio over the 10-31 day period was increased in DMP and PF strategies compared to C one (+3.3 and +2.2%, respectively). Despite this increase, DMP and PF strategies appear to improve economic and environmental performance. Significant lower feeding cost per kg BW gain was indeed observed in these strategies (-6.8 and -7.9%, respectively) as well as a decrease in phosphorus excretion (-12.5 and -6.3%, respectively). The validation trial confirmed the interest of applying precision feeding strategy to broiler production using modelling tools such as the tested DSS. These promising results should now be confirmed in commercial conditions.
[1] Méda et al. (2020). From measuring average body weight of the flock to precision feeding in broilers: A modelling approach to adjust daily feed composition, World Poultry Congress, 16-20 August, Paris, France