Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems
Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems

Project results

342 items found
E.g., 2025-01-18
Category Publication date Title Publishing information Authors Files
Communications 31/08/20 Genetics of gut microbiota of growing pigs in three contrasted environments 71th Annual meeting of the EAAP, 31 August - 4 September 2020, Porto, Portugal Gilbert H., Labrune Y., Le Sciellour M., Billon Y...
Communications 31/08/20 Prediction of feed efficiency based on caecal microbiota using machine learning algorithms 71st Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science, 31 August - 4 September 2020, Porto, Portugal Piles M., Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M., Helies V...
Communications 31/08/20 A comparative study of support vector machine and GBLUP to predict average daily gain from single nucleotide polymorphisms 71st Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science, 31 August - 4 September 2020, Porto, Portugal Piles M., Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M.,...
Communications 31/08/20 Efficient pig and poultry production: what did we learn from Feed-a-Gene? 71st Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science, 31 August - 4 September 2020, Porto, Portugal Van Milgen, J., Bach Knudsen, K.E., Jansman, A.,...
Scientific papers 17/08/20 Networks of inbreeding coefficients in a selected population of rabbits Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 00:1–10 Rodríguez‐Ramilo S.T., Reverter A., Sánchez J.P... PDF icon Rodríguez‐Ramilo et al 2020
Communications 16/08/20 From measuring average body weight of the flock to precision feeding in broilers: A modelling approach to adjust daily feed composition World Poultry Congress, 16-20 August 2020, Palais des Congrès, Paris, France Méda B., Pampouille E., Talineau M., Dusart L.,...
Communications 16/08/20 Experimental validation of a precision feeding strategy to reduce feeding cost and nutrient excretion in broilers World Poultry Congress, 16-20 August 2020, Palais des Congrès, Paris, France Pampouille E., Guyot Y., Souchet C., Bernard J.,...
Communications 16/08/20 Towards precision feeding in laying hens: Update and validation of a mathematical model to predict daily calcium and phosphorus flows World Poultry Congress, 16-20 August 2020, Palais des Congrès, Paris, France Guyot Y., Méda B., Nozeran A., Souchet C.,...
Communications 01/07/20 Feed restriction as an alternative to the use of antibiotics in non controlled environment farms 12th World Rabbit Congress, 1-3 July 2020, Nantes, France Pascual M., Martin E., Fabre C., Garreau H.,... PDF icon Pascual et al 2020
Communications 01/07/20 Electronic feeder to record individual feed intake on rabbits raised in collective cages 12th World Rabbit Congress, 1-3 July 2020, Nantes, France Sánchez J.P., Perucho O., Pascual M., Rafel O.,... PDF icon Sanchez et al 2020
Communications 01/07/20 Prediction of growth and feed efficiency performances in growing rabbits from their gut microbiota 12th World Rabbit Congress, 1-3 July 2020, Nantes, France Velasco-Galilea M., Piles M., Viñas M., Rafel O... PDF icon velasco_2020_WRC_rabbit_macrobiota.pdf
Communications 01/07/20 A comparative study of machine learning methods to predict average daily gain from single nucleotide polymorphisms 12th World Rabbit Congress, 1-3 July 2020, Nantes, France Piles M., Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M.,... PDF icon Piles et al 2020
Communications 01/07/20 Prediction of feed efficiency based on caecal microbiota using machine learning algorithms 12th World Rabbit Congress, 1-3 July 2020, Nantes, France Piles M., Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M., Helies V...
Communications 01/07/20 A comparative study of support vector machine and GBLUP to predict average daily gain from single nucleotide polymorphisms 12th World Rabbit Congress, 1-3 July 2020, Nantes, France Piles M., Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M.,...
Communications 01/07/20 Machine learning algorithms for the prediction of feed efficiency based on caecal microbiota 12th World Rabbit Congress, 1-3 July 2020, Nantes, France Piles M., Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M., Helies V...
Communications 01/07/20 Genome Wide Association Study of growth and feed efficiency traits in rabbits 12th World Rabbit Congress, 1-3 July 2020, Nantes, France Garreau H., Labrune Y., Chapuis H., Ruesche J.,... PDF icon Garreau et al 2020
Communications 14/06/20 Prediction accuracy of individual feed conversion ratio using group records in growing Duroc pigs 6th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics, 14-19 June 2020, Brisbane, Australia Herrera-Cáceres W., Sánchez J. P.
Communications 14/06/20 Genetic determinism of rabbits’ cecal microbiota 6th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics, 14-19 June 2020, Brisbane, Australia Velasco-Galilea M., Piles M., Viñas M., Rafel O...
Communications 14/06/20 Genetic control of fecal microbiota composition of growing pigs in three contrasted environments 6th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics, 14-19 June 2020, Brisbane, Australia Gilbert H., Labrune Y., Le Sciellour M., Riquet J...
Scientific papers 01/06/20 Birth weight affects body protein retention but not nitrogen efficiency in the later life of pigs Journal of Animal Science, 98 (6): skaa180 van der Peet-Schwering C.M.C., Verschuren L. M. G... PDF icon van der peet-schwering et al 2020
Communications 25/03/20 Using high throughput phenotyping of growth and feed intake to improve adaptation of chickens to sustainable diets 7th Mediterranean Poultry Summit, 25-27 March 2020, Cordoba, Spain Mignon-Grasteau S., Berger Q., Guettier E., Le...
Scientific papers 16/03/20 How do pigs deal with dietary phosphorus deficiency? British Journal of Nutrition, Misiura M.M., Filipe J.A.N., Walk C.L.,... PDF icon Misiura et al 2020
Deliverables 28/02/20 Deliverable D5.5 Demonstration of the use of social effects and crossbred and genomic information to improve selection and feed efficiency Feed-a-Gene, February 2020 WUR, Topigs PDF icon Deliverable D5.5
Deliverables 27/02/20 Deliverable D3.7 A DSS tool (software) integrating the models developed in Tasks 3.1 to 3.4 for different livestock species and categories Feed-a-Gene, February 2020 KU, IRTA, INRAE, UNEW, AFZ, Topigs Norsvin, Cobb PDF icon Deliverable D3.7
Deliverables 27/02/20 Deliverable D7.8 5th annual newsletter and minutes of the two demonstration events and of the stakeholder meeting organised during the 5th year of the project Feed-a-Gene, February 2020 AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D7.8
Deliverables 24/02/20 Deliverable D6.6 Sustainability Appraisal Workshop Feed-a-Gene, February 2020 UNEW, AFZ PDF icon Deliverable D6.6
Deliverables 24/02/20 Deliverable D4.8 Demonstration of a precision feeding system for growing pigs at a commercial farm operation to demonstrate practical feasibility Feed-a-Gene, February 2020 Universitat de Lleida, Gran Suino Italiano,... PDF icon Deliverable D4.8
Communications 18/02/20 FeedUtiliGene: interaktív szoftver a táplálóanyagok értékesülésének becslésére Konferencia És Kiállítás 2020, 18-19 February 2020, Aquaworld Resort, Budapest Halas V. PDF icon Halas 2020 (Powerpoint)
Communications 12/02/20 Environmental assessment of new European protein sources for pig feeds LCAFood2020, 13-16 October 2020, Berlin, Germany Espagnol S., Delage C., Royer E., Dauguet S.,...
Scientific papers 12/02/20 Interest in the serum color as an indirect criterion of selection of digestive efficiency in chickens Poultry Science, 99 (2): 702-707 Mignon-Grasteau S., Beauclercq S., Urvoix S., Le... PDF icon Mignon-Grasteau et al 2020
Posters 04/02/20 Application d’un programme d’alimentation de précision chez le porc en croissance alimenté à volonté : effet sur les performances et l’utilisation des nutriments 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France, 111-112 Brossard L., Marcon M., Dourmad J.-Y., Van Milgen...
Posters 04/02/20 Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) accurately predicts the nutritive value of individual components and mixed diets for pigs, La spectroscopie dans le proche infrarouge (NIRS) détermine avec précision la valeur nutritive des matières premières et des aliments pour porcs 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France Noel S.J., Jørgensen H.J.H., Royer E., Bach...
Communications 04/02/20 Impact du décorticage et des traitements thermiques du soja sur la valeur nutritionnelle des tourteaux partiellement déshuilés chez le porcelet, Influence of dehulling and thermal treatment of soybeans on nutritive value of partly defatted soymeals for piglets 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France Halas V., Royer E., Carre P., Bikker P., Quinsac... PDF icon Halas et al., 2020
Communications 04/02/20 Identification de biomarqueurs de l’efficacité alimentaire, Identifying biomarkers as new traits for feed efficiency in pigs 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France Gondret F., Skou Hedemann M., Verschuren L., Wang... PDF icon Gondret et al 2020
Communications 04/02/20 Quelles nouvelles mesures pour améliorer la sélection pour l’efficacité alimentaire des porcs ? 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France Gilbert H., Bouquet A., Aldridge M., Bergsma R.,... PDF icon Gilbert et al 2020
Communications 04/02/20 L’efficacité digestive est-elle un caractère intéressant pour améliorer l’efficacité alimentaire chez le porc ? 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France Déru V., Bouquet A., Labussière E., Ganier P.,...
Communications 04/02/20 Analyse environnementale de stratégies d’alimentation de précision mises en oeuvre expérimentalement ou par simulation chez le porc en croissance 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France Garcia-Launay, F., Delage C., Quiniou, N.,...
Posters 04/02/20 Réduire les rejets azotés des porcs en croissance par un ajustement dynamique des apports en acides aminés au besoin et une moindre teneur en matières azotées totales des aliments 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-6 February 2020, Paris, France Quiniou N., Brossard L., Marcon M.
Communications 04/02/20 Impact d’expositions courtes et répétées au déoxynivalénol sur les performances et la composition microbienne fécale du porc en finition 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France, 153-158 Le Sciellour M., Serviento A., Zemb O., Renaudeau...
Communications 04/02/20 Analyse environnementale de l’utilisation de sources de protéines européennes pour l’alimentation porcine 52èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 4-5 February 2020, Paris, France Espagnol S., Delage C., Royer E., Dauguet S.,...
