Impact d’expositions courtes et répétées au déoxynivalénol sur les performances et la composition microbienne fécale du porc en finition
The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of acute and repeated exposure to a diet naturally contaminated with mycotoxins (deoxynivalenol, DON) on the performance and fecal microbiota composition of finishing pigs. In total, 160 pig raised in two successive batches were randomly distributed between four experimental groups. The control group received standard finishing diet (uncontaminated) from 99 to 154 days of age. The experimental groups were fed a diet formulated with naturally DON-contaminated maize (3.02 mg DON/kg) for 7 days beginning on 113, 134, or both 113 and 134 days of age. Microbiota composition was analyzed using 16S rRNA sequencing applied to fecal samples collected at 99, 119, 140, and 154 days of age, DON exposure decreased daily feed intake (1.90 vs 2.64 kg/d following the first challenge period, 2.27 vs 3.27 kg/d following the second challenge period, P < 0.05). This resulted in a decrease in average daily gain measured over the entire experiment (0.94 vs 1.05 kg/d, P < 0.05). The DON challenge resulted in short-term modification of microbiota composition and bacterial functions, particularly those related to DON detoxification in the intestinal tract. After a 2-week recovery period, no difference in microbiota composition was observed between control and challenged pigs, suggesting resilience of the microbiota after perturbation caused by ingestion of a contaminated diet.