Communications |
11/04/17 |
Feed-a-Gene Book of Abstracts 2016-2017 |
Feed-a-Gene |
Feed-a-Gene Book of Abstracts 2016-2017 |
Communications |
22/02/17 |
Application of models in precision livestock farming, Modellek alkalmazása a precíziós állattartás során |
PREGA 2017 |
Halas V. |
Halas 2017 |
Communications |
31/01/17 |
Characterization of growing pigs’ adaptive response when faced with environmental perturbations, Comment caractériser la performance des porcs en croissance face à des challenges liés à leur environnement d’élevage ? |
49e Journées de la recherche porcine, 31 janvier et 1er février 2017, Paris, France |
Taghipoor M., Brossard L., Van Milgen J. |
Taghipoor et al., 2017 |
Scientific papers |
05/01/17 |
How to improve breeding value prediction for feed conversion ratio in the case of incomplete longitudinal body weights |
Journal of Animal Science, 95 (1): 39-48 |
Huynh-Tran V.H., Gilbert H., David I. |
Tran-Huynh et al., 2017 |
Dissertations |
28/10/16 |
Estudio del determinismo genético de los caracteres de comportamiento en comedero de cerdos Duroc criados en grupo con sistemas de control individualizados de ingesta |
Master Dissertation, Universitat Politècnica de València, Departament de Ciència Animal |
Herrera Cáceres W.A. |
Herrera Caceres 2016 |
Communications |
17/10/16 |
Unravelling the effects of restricted and ad libitum diets on intestinal microbiota in rabbits |
4th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota, 17-19 October 2016, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
Velasco M., Viñas, M., Piles M., Sánchez J.P. |
Velasco et al., 2016 |
Dissertations |
19/09/16 |
Caracterización del microbioma digestivo de una línea de conejo sometida a dos tratamientos alimentarios diferentes |
Master Dissertation, Universitat Politècnica de València, Departament de Ciència Animal |
Velasco Galilea M. |
Velasco 2016 |
Communications |
29/08/16 |
Alternative consideration of social genetic effects models in Duroc pigs |
67th European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), Belfast (UK), 29 August-2 September |
Ragab M., Piles M., Sánchez J. P. |
Ragab et al., 2016 |
Communications |
29/08/16 |
Conceptual model of digestion for pigs and poultry and its factors of variation |
67th European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), Belfast (UK), 29 August-2 September |
Roger S., Narcy A., van Milgen J., Duclos M. J. |
Roger et al., 2016 |
Communications |
29/08/16 |
Gompertz model improves breeding value prediction for feed conversion ratio for incomplete weights |
67th European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), Belfast (UK), 29 August-2 September |
Tran-Huynh, V. H.; Gilbert, H.; David, I. |
Tran-Huynh et al. 2016 |
Communications |
29/08/16 |
Modulating birth weight heritability in mice |
67th EAAP meeting, 29 August to 2 September 2016, Belfast, United Kingdom |
Formoso-Rafferty N., Cervantes I., Ibáñez-... |
Communications |
18/06/16 |
Using collective feed intake data to select for feed efficiency on full or restricted feeding regimen |
11th World Rabbit Congress, Qingdao (China), June 15-18, 2016 |
Sánchez, J. P.; Ramon, J.; Rafel, O.; Ragab, M.;... |
Sanchez et al., 2016 |
Communications |
15/06/16 |
Microrabits : a factorial design to evaluate genetic and maternal effects on growth and feed efficiency in a line selected for residual feed intake |
11th World Rabbit Congress, 15-16 June 2016, Qingdao, China |
Garreau H., Ruesche J., Gilbert H., Balmisse E.,... |
Garreau et al 2016 |
Deliverables |
09/06/16 |
Deliverable D7.3 1st annual newsletter |
Feed-a-Gene, June 2016 |
Deliverable D7.3 |
Posters |
02/06/16 |
Mejora de la eficiencia alimentaria de gazapos criados en grupos e interacción entre el genotipo y el régimen alimentario en estas condiciones de alojamiento |
XVIII Reunión Nacional Sobre Mejora Genética Animal, Valencia (Spain), 2-3 June 2016 |
Piles M., Ramon J., Rafel O., Ragab M., Sánchez J... |
Piles et al., 2016 |
Communications |
02/06/16 |
Modulación de la heredabilidad del peso al nacimiento en ratones |
XVIII Reunión Nacional Sobre Mejora Genética Animal, Valencia (Spain), 2-3 June 2016 |
Formoso-Rafferty N., Cervantes I., Ibáñez-... |
Formoso-Rafferty et al 2016 |
Posters |
02/06/16 |
Eficiencia alimentaria en dos líneas divergentes para variabilidad ambiental del peso al nacimiento en ratones |
XVIII Reunión Nacional Sobre Mejora Genética Animal, Valencia (Spain), 2-3 June 2016 |
Formoso-Rafferty N., Cervantes I., De la Flor M... |
Formoso-Rafferty et al 2016 |
Communications |
26/04/16 |
Recent results in digestive and metabolic model: challenges and proposed solutions |
Feed-a-Gene 1st Annual Meeting, 26-28 April 2016, Foulum, Danemark |
Roger S., Halas V. |
Communications |
17/04/16 |
Feed-a-Gene poster (Danish) |
Feed-a-Gene |
Feed-a-Gene poster A0 Danish |
Deliverables |
09/09/15 |
Deliverable D7.2 Dissemination plan |
Feed-a-Gene, September 2015 |
Deliverable D7.2 |
Communications |
06/08/15 |
Feed-a-Gene poster |
Feed-a-Gene |
Feed-a-Gene poster A0 English |
Deliverables |
28/07/15 |
Deliverable D7.1 Communication package |
Feed-a-Gene, July 2015 |
Deliverable D7.1 |