Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems
Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems


180 items found
E.g., 2024-12-13
Publication date Title Author(s) Event Files
29/06/18 Determinismo genético de la microbiota intestinal del conejo Velasco-Galilea M., Piles M., Viñas M., Rafel O., Gónzalez-Rodríguez O., Guivernau M., Sánchez J.P. XIX Reunión Nacional de Mejora Genética Animal PDF icon Velasco Galilea et al 2018
30/05/18 Dispositivo para el control individual de consumo durante el engorde de conejos alojados en jaulas colectivas. Resultados preliminares Sánchez J.P., Piles M., Pascual M., Rafel O. ASESCU Symposium, Calamocha 2018 PDF icon Sanchez et al 2018
18/04/18 Nutrición de precisión en cerdas Quiniou N. 2° SINA PDF icon Quiniou 2018 (Powerpoint presentation)
04/04/18 Variabilité de l’efficacité alimentaire chez le porc en croissance : mécanismes moléculaires impliqués et recherche de biomarqueurs prédictifs Messad F., Louveau I., Renaudeau D., Gondret F. Journées d'Animation Scientifique du département Phase 2018
15/03/18 Precision feeding of gestating sows Quiniou N. XXXII Jornadas Técnicas de Indukern PDF icon Quiniou 2018 (Powerpoint presentation)
03/03/18 Effect of diet and sex on feed efficiency and the fecal microbiome at slaughter weight Verschuren L.M.G., Calus M.P.L., Jansman A.J.M., Bergsma R., Dunkelberger J.R., Knol E.F., Gilbert H., Zemb O. 2018 AASV Annual meeting
21/02/18 Precision nutrition to improve the efficiency, are there any reserve?, Precíziós takarmányozás a hatékonyság növelésére; Hol vannak még tartalékok? Halas V. PREGA 2018 PDF icon Halas 2018
11/02/18 Genetic parameters of feed intake patterns of Duroc sows during gestation and lactation Helal M., Ragab M., Sánchez J.P. WCGALP 2018 PDF icon Helal et al. 2018
11/02/18 Responses of pigs divergently selected for cortisol level or feed efficiency to a challenge diet during growth Gilbert H., Terenina E., Ruesche J., Gress L., Billon Y., Mormède P., Larzul C. WCGALP 2018
11/02/18 Microrabbits: a factorial design to evaluate genetic and maternal effects on growth and feed efficiency in a line selected for residual feed intake Garreau H., Ruesche J., Gilbert H., Balmisse E., Benitez F., Richard F., David I., Drouilhet L., Zemb O. WCGALP 2018 PDF icon Garreau et al 2018
11/02/18 Multiple trait single step Bayesian GWAS on pooled data Sánchez J.P., Legarra A., Piles M. WCGALP 2018 PDF icon Sanchez et al. 2018
11/02/18 Changes of EBV trajectories for feed conversion ratio of growing pigs due to divergent selection for residual feed intake Huynh-Tran V.H., David I., Billon Y., Gilbert H. WCGALP 2018 PDF icon Huynh-Tran et al 2018
23/01/18 Développement d'un outil d'aide à la décision pour l'alimentation de précision des truies en gestation Dourmad J.Y., Gagnon P., Brossard L., Pomar C., Cloutier L. 50èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine 2018 PDF icon Dourmad et al. 2017
12/01/18 Plasma metabolites related to nitrogen efficiency in low and high birthweight pigs Verschuren L.M.G., Calus M.P.L., Jansman A.J.M., Bergsma R., Hedemann M.S. WIAS Science Day 2018 PDF icon Verschuren et al. 2018
24/11/17 A growth model to predict body weight and body composition of broilers Dukhta G., van Milgen J., Kövér G., Halas V. A jövo tudósai, a vidék jövoje, Debrecen University PDF icon Dukhta et al. 2017
23/11/17 Development of a dynamic simulation model to evaluate the influence of feeding strategies on fatty acid composition of pigs Lizardo R., Tous N., Esteve-García E., van Milgen J. 4th Fatty Pig Science & Utilization International Conference PDF icon Lizardo et al 2017
16/10/17 Is feed efficiency a relevant indicator to assess the role of livestock in sustainable food production? van Milgen J. Harnessing Research and Innovation for FOOD 2030: A Science Policy Dialogue File van Milgen 2017 (Powerpoint presentation)
14/09/17 New physiological indicators for welfare assessement: Cromogranin A Fàbrega E., Pallisera J., Moles X., Escribano D., Cerón J., Sánchez J.P. 11th IVBM International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting 2017
12/09/17 Selection of methods to analyze body weight and feed intake data used as inputs for nutritional models and precision feeding in pigs Brossard L.,Taoussi I., van Milgen, J., Dourmad J.Y. 8th EC-PLF European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming 2017 PDF icon Brossard et al. 2017
12/09/17 Assessment of the dynamic growth of the fattening pigs from body weight measured daily and automatically to elaborate precision feeding strategies Quiniou N., Brossard L., Marcon, M. 8th EC-PLF European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming 2017 PDF icon Quiniou et al., 2017
12/09/17 Development of a decision support tool for precision feeding of pregnant sows Dourmad J.Y., Brossard L., Pomar C., Pomar J., Gagnon P., Cloutier L. 8th EC-PLF European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming 2017 PDF icon Dourmad et al. 2017
04/09/17 Avances en Ganadería de Precisión y su proyección hacia el nuevo paradigma de “Smart Farming” Pomar J., López V. IX Congresso Ibérico de Agroengenharia PDF icon Pomar and Lopez 2017
29/08/17 Book of abstracts 2017 EAAP / EC-PLF Collective EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting PDF icon Book of abstracts 2017 EAAP / EC-PLF
28/08/17 Development of a decision support tool for precision feeding of pregnant sows Dourmad, J.Y., Brossard, L., Pomar, C., Pomar, J., Gagnon, P., Cloutier, L. EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Relationship between intestinal and blood metabolome and fecal digestive efficiency in chicken Beauclercq S., Hennequet-Antier C., Nadal-Desbarat L., Gabriel I., Calenge F., Le Bihan- Duval E., Mignon-Grasteau S. EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Development of a decision support system for precision feeding application in pigs and poultry L. Brossard, N. Quiniou, M. Marcon, B. Meda, L. Dusart, V. Lopez, J.-Y. Dourmad, J. Pomar EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 A review of the purebred-crossbred correlation in pigs: theory, estimates, and reporting Calus M.P.L., Wientjes Y.C.J. EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Re-parametrization of a swine model to predict growth performance of broilers Galyna Dukhta, Jaap van Milgen, György Kövér, Veronika Halas EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Modelling individual uncertainty and population variation in phenotypical traits of livestock J.A.N. Filipe and I. Kyriazakis EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Genetic and maternal effects on growth and feed efficiency in rabbits Garreau H., Ruesche J., Gilbert H., Balmisse E., Benitez F., Richard F., David I., Drouilhet L., Zemb O. EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Responses of pigs divergently selected for cortisol response or feed efficiency to an ACTH challenge Gilbert H., Terenina E., Louveau I., Ruesche J., Gress L., Billon Y., Mormède P., Larzul C. EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Molecular indicators of feed efficiency as proposed by a meta-analysis of transcriptomics data F. Gondret, B. Koffi, J. van Milgen, I. Louveau EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Preliminary model to predict P-requirement of growing pigs Halas V., Dukhta G., Nagy G., Kövér G. EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Social genetic effects on productive and feeding behavior traits in growing period of Duroc pigs Herrera W., Ragab M., Sánchez J.P. EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting PDF icon Herrera et al 2017
28/08/17 Characterizing animal response to environmental challenges: new traits of more efficient animals Taghipoor M., Brossard L., van Milgen J. EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Genomics to estimate additive and dominance genetic variances in purebred and crossbred pig traits Tusell L., Gilbert H., Vitezica Z.G., Mercat M.J., Legarra A., Larzul C. EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Using metafounders to model purebred relationships in genomic prediction for crossbreeding van Grevenhof E.M., Vandenplas J., Calus M.P.L. EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Effect of feeding regime and presence of antibiotics in diet on rabbit’s microbial gut composition M. Velasco, M. Piles, M. Viñas, Rafel, O., González, O., Guivernau, M. and J.P. Sánchez EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 Feed efficiency and the faecal microbiome at slaughter weight in pigs Verschuren, L.M.G., Calus, M.P.L.; Jansman, A.J.M.; Bergsma, R.; Knol, E.F.; Gilbert, H. ; Zemb, O. EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
28/08/17 The Feed-a-Gene project van Milgen J. EAAP 2017 68th Annual meeting
