Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems
Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems

Factsheet N°4 Precision feeding systems for pigs and poultry

Universitat de Lleida, INRAE, Wageningen University Research, EXAFAN, Gran Suino Italiano, IFIP, ITAVI
Publication date: 
27 January 2020
Full title: 
Factsheet N°4 Precision feeding systems for pigs and poultry
Publishing information: 
Feed-a-Gene, January 2020

Factsheet n°4 The challenge

In conventional production systems, monogastric animals are mostly fed as a group, even though there is a large variation in nutritional requirements among individuals. The requirements also change very rapidly over time and according to physiological stage.

As a result, providing the same diet for long periods of time and without taking individual variation into account is associated with poor adequacy between nutritional requirements and supplies. This impairs the efficiency of nutrient utilization.

Our solutions

The Feed-a-Gene project developed novel precision feeding systems:

  • for growing pigs, fed ad libitum or in restricted feeding 
  • for gestating and lactating sows
  • for broilers and laying hens

These systems adjust the nutrient supply in real-time to the nutritional requirements of the animal or group of animals, taking into account daily performance and physiological stage.

Precision feeding improves feed and nutrient efficiency, and reduces feed cost and environmental impact.

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