Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems
Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems

Deliverable D7.6 4th annual newsletter and minutes

Publication date: 
29 June 2019
Full title: 
Deliverable D7.6 4th annual newsletter and minutes of the two demonstration events and of the stakeholder meeting organised during the 4th year of the project
Publishing information: 
Feed-a-Gene, June 2019

This deliverable includes the 4th Annual newsletter and the minutes of the two demonstration events and of the stakeholder meeting organised during the 4th year of the project. The annual Feed-a-Gene newsletter aims at informing stakeholders and consortium partners about recent, on-going and planned events and activities, and about the progress made since the last meeting in April 2018. Progress reports were communicated by Work Package researchers during and after the 4th Feed-a-Gene annual meeting held in Budapest in May 2019. The newsletter was disseminated by email to 431 stakeholders and is available as a PDF file on the website. The minutes of the meetings were recorded and edited by AFZ.

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