Season 2 Episode 3: Rapeseed meal and enzyme supplementation on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in pigs Feed-a-Gene Season 2 - Episode 3. In this interview filmed at the 69th EAAP meeting in Dubrovnik (Croatia), Rosil Lizardo (IRTA, Spain) talks about the effect of processing rapeseed meal and/or supplementing it with enzymes on the growth performance and nutrient digestibility of pigs. Uploaded 27/09/18 |
Season 2 Episode 2: Challenges and impacts, by the Stakeholder Advisory Board A new series of interviews was filmed during Feed-a-Gene's third annual meeting in Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) in April 2018. In this second episode, Leo den Hartog (The Netherlands) presents his role as chairman of the stakeholder advisory board, and explains why Feed-a-Gene is so useful for stakeholders and civil society.
Ramaderia sostenible i de precisió: arriben les granges intel·ligents Lleida és el rebost de Catalunya. Lleida és el camp de Catalunya. Tòpics reals, diria el clàssic. Però sobretot sobretot Lleida és la granja de Catalunya, i no només de Catalunya sinó d’una bona part del nordest de l’Estat. La ramaderia constitueix el gruix de la producció final agraria i bona part del producte interior brut de les terres de Lleida. Així que no podem descuidar ni un pèl aquesta font de riquesa –i de preocupacions quan es tracta del residus ramaders- de les nostres comarques. Uploaded 25/06/18 |
Season 2 Episode 1: Sustainability assessment of the production system A new series of interviews was filmed during Feed-a-Gene's third annual meeting in Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) in April 2018. In this first episode, Sandrine Espagnol (France) presents the approach of the project's sixth Work Package and her work as an environmental engineer. Feed-a-Gene's WP6: Sustainability assessment of the production system Uploaded 21/06/18 |
Season 1 Episode 10: Feed-a-Gene stakeholders and their active role in the programme During the Feed-a-Gene stakeholder meeting held at the EAAP annual meeting in Tallinn (August 2017), a series of 10 interviews of researchers associated with the project was filmed. In this final episode, filmed in Paris after the EAAP meeting, project coordinator Jaap van Milgen explains the importance of the stakeholders associated with the project. Uploaded 22/05/18 |
Season 1 Episode 9: Development of a DSS for precision feeding in pigs and poultry During the Feed-a-Gene stakeholder meeting held at the EAAP annual meeting in Tallinn (August 2017), a series of 10 interviews of researchers associated with the project was filmed. In this ninth episode, Ludovic Brossard (INRA) explains the study he has presented at the EAAP. In the season finale (to be released in the following weeks), Jaap van Milgen will talk about the importance of stakeholders and about their feedback and input on the project. Uploaded 04/05/18 |
Season 1 Episode 8: Nutritional evaluation of dehulling and treatments of expeller soybean meal During the Feed-a-Gene stakeholder meeting held at the EAAP annual meeting in Tallinn (August 2017), a series of 10 interviews of researchers associated with the project was filmed. In this eighth episode, Eric Royer (IFIP institut du porc) explains the study he has presented at the EAAP. In episode 9 (to be released in the following weeks), another Feed-a-Gene's researcher will present the results he has obtained so far. In the season finale, Jaap van Milgen will talk about the importance of stakeholders and about their feedback and input on the project. Uploaded 17/04/18 |
Season 1 Episode 7: Cross links between feed efficiency parameters and gut microbiota in pigs During the Feed-a-Gene stakeholder meeting held at the EAAP annual meeting in Tallinn (August 2017), a series of 10 interviews of researchers associated with the project was filmed. In this seventh episode, Gabriel de la Fuente (University of Lleida) explains the study he has presented at the EAAP. In episodes 8-9 (to be released in the following weeks), Feed-a-Gene's researchers will present the results they have obtained so far. In the season finale, Jaap van Milgen will talk about the importance of stakeholders and about their feedback and input on the project. Uploaded 08/03/18 |
Season 1 Episode 6: Characterizing animal response to environmental challenges During the Feed-a-Gene stakeholder meeting held at the EAAP annual meeting in Tallinn (August 2017), a series of 10 interviews of researchers associated with the project was filmed. In this sixth episode, Masoomeh Taghipoor explains the study she has presented at the EAAP. In episodes 7-9 (to be released in the following weeks), Feed-a-Gene's researchers will present the results they have obtained so far. In the season finale, Jaap van Milgen will talk about the importance of stakeholders and about their feedback and input on the project. Uploaded 15/02/18 |
Season 1 Episode 5: A review of the purebred-crossbred correlation in pigs During the Feed-a-Gene stakeholder meeting held at the EAAP annual meeting in Tallinn (August 2017), a series of 10 interviews of researchers associated with the project was filmed. In this fifth episode, Mario Calus explains the review he has presented at the EAAP. In episodes 6-9 (to be released in the following weeks), Feed-a-Gene's researchers will present the results they have obtained so far. In the season finale, Jaap van Milgen will talk about the importance of stakeholders and about their feedback and input on the project. Uploaded 25/01/18 |