Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems
Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems


66 items found
E.g., 2024-09-08
Publication date
Publication date Title Publishing information Authors Files
26/08/19 Additive and dominance genomic parameters for backfat thickness in purebred and crossbred pigs 70th Annual meeting of the EAAP, 26-30 August 2019, Ghent, Belgium Mohammadpanah M., Momen M., Gilbert H., Larzul C... PDF icon Mohammadpanah et al 2019
26/08/19 Variability in gestating sows’ nutrient requirements 70th Annual meeting of the EAAP, 26-30 August 2019, Ghent, Belgium Gaillard C., Gauthier R., Dourmad J.Y.
26/08/19 Development of a NIRS method to assess the digestive ability in growing pigs 70th Annual meeting of the EAAP, 26-30 August 2019, Ghent, Belgium Labussière E., Ganier P., Conde J.A., Janvier E...
07/07/19 Assessing inbreeding networks from partial correlations and information theory in rabbits 37th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference, 7-12 July 2019, LLeida, Spain Rodríguez-Ramilo S. T., Reverter A., Sánchez J. P...
07/07/19 Assessment of punctual ∆9-desaturase activity in porcine adipose tissue 37th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference, 7-12 July 2019, Lleida, Spain Sarri L., De la Fuente G., Seradj A.R., Estany J... PDF icon Sarri et al 2019
05/02/19 Prédiction en temps réel du poids vif des porcs en croissance logés en groupe à partir des pesées quotidiennes réalisées avec une bascule automatique, Real-time prediction of individual body weight of group-housed growing pigs from daily measurements with an automatic weighing scale 51e Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 5-6 février 2019, Paris, France, A21 Quiniou N., Marcon M., Brossard L. PDF icon Quiniou et al 2019
05/02/19 Influence of perturbations on the performance of growing pigs: from automatic detection of perturbations to characterisation of the adaptive response of the animals, Influence des perturbations sur la performance des porcs en croissance : de la détection automatique à la caractérisation de la réponse adaptative des animaux 51e Journées de la Recherche Porcine, 5-6 février 2019, Paris, France, G08 Nguyen Ba H., Taghipoor M., van Milgen J. PDF icon Nguyen et al 2019 PDF icon Nguyen et al 2019 (poster)
12/01/19 Layers response to suboptimal diet through phenotypic and transcriptomic changes in four tissues XVII Plant & Animal Genome Conference, 12-16 January 2019, San Diego, California, USA Jehl F., Brenet M., Rau A., Désert C., Boutin M...
30/08/18 Genome-wide association study of post-weaning growth in rabbits EAAP 2018 69th Annual meeting Ballester M., Velasco M., Piles M., Rafel O.,...
30/08/18 Rapeseed meal and enzyme supplementation on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in pigs EAAP 2018 69th Annual meeting Melo A. D. B., Villca B., Esteve-García E.,...
30/08/18 The influence of faeces drying method on nutrient digestibility of growing pigs EAAP 2018 69th Annual meeting Melo A. D. B., Villca B., Esteve-García E.,...
30/08/18 Effect of successive fibre diets on nutrient digestibility and faecal microbiota composition in pigs EAAP 2018 69th Annual meeting Le Sciellour M., Labussière E., Zemb O.,... PDF icon Le Sciellour et al 2018
21/08/18 Effects of birth weight on nitrogen digestion and utilization in grower pigs DPP (Digestive Physiology of Pigs) 2018, 21-24 August, Brisbane, Australia Jansman A.J.M., van der Peet-Schwering C.M.C.
29/06/18 Enterotypes, network and functional profiling of rabbits’ cecal microbiota Animal Microbiome Congress Europe, 20-21 June 2018, La Défense, France Velasco-Galilea M., Ramayo-Caldas Y., Sánchez J.P...
25/04/18 Pen-allocation strategies for uniform weights in finishing pigs Feed-a-Gene 3rd annual meeting, Newcastle, UK Filipe J., Knol E., Vogelzang R., Kyriazakis, I. PDF icon Filipe et al 2018
24/04/18 Variability of feed efficiency in growing pigs: towards predictive biomarkers 3rd annual meeting of H2020 Feed-a-Gene project, 24-26 April 2018, Newcastle, United Kingdom Gondret F.
24/04/18 GWAS of digestive efficiency in chicken 3rd Annual Meeting of H2020 Feed-a-Gene project, Newcastle, UK, 24-26 April 2018 Mignon-Grasteau S., Hennequet-Antier C., Le Bihan... PDF icon Mignon-Grasteau et al 2018
04/04/18 Développement d’un outil de prévision des besoins nutritionnels des truies en lactation. Application à l’alimentation de précision Journées d'Animation Scientifique du département Phase (JAS Phase 2018), 4-5 avril 2018, Rennes, France Gauthier R., Guay F., Brossard L., Largouët C.,...
04/04/18 Quelles méthodes pour analyser les données de poids vif et de consommation alimentaire utilisées comme entrées dans les modèles nutritionnels en alimentation de précision chez le porc en croissance ? Journées d’animation scientifiques du département Phase - Recueil des résumés, 4-5 avril 2018 Brossard L., Taoussi I., van Milgen J., Dourmad J...
28/08/17 Impact of a short term dietary challenge on growth performance and feeding behavior in finishing pig 68th EAAP Annual meeting, 28 August - 1 September 2017, Tallinn, Estonia Renaudeau D., Brossard L., Duteil B., Labussière...
28/08/17 Effect of pig type and dietary protein level on the metabolomic pattern, feed efficiency, and GHG 68th EAAP Annual meeting, 28 August - 1 September 2017, Tallinn, Estonia Seradj A.R., Babot D., Beckmann M., Balcells J.,...
28/08/17 Feed restriction on growth of mice divergently selected for birth weight environmental variability 68th EAAP Annual meeting, 28 August - 1 September 2017, Tallinn, Estonia Formoso-Rafferty, N., Cervantes, I., Sánchez, J.P...
28/08/17 Cross links between feed efficiency parameters and gut microbiota in pigs. Effect of productive type and diet protein levels 68th EAAP Annual meeting, 28 August - 1 September 2017, Tallinn, Estonia De la Fuente, G.; Seradj A.R; Tor, M and Balcells...
17/07/17 Phenotype and multi-tissue transcriptome response to diet changes in laying hens 36th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference, 17-21 July 2017, Dublin, Ireland Brenet M., Rau A., Désert C., Boutin M., Muret K... PDF icon Brenet et al 2017 (abstract)
02/06/16 Eficiencia alimentaria en dos líneas divergentes para variabilidad ambiental del peso al nacimiento en ratones XVIII Reunión Nacional Sobre Mejora Genética Animal, Valencia (Spain), 2-3 June 2016 Formoso-Rafferty N., Cervantes I., De la Flor M... PDF icon Formoso-Rafferty et al 2016
02/06/16 Mejora de la eficiencia alimentaria de gazapos criados en grupos e interacción entre el genotipo y el régimen alimentario en estas condiciones de alojamiento XVIII Reunión Nacional Sobre Mejora Genética Animal, Valencia (Spain), 2-3 June 2016 Piles M., Ramon J., Rafel O., Ragab M., Sánchez J... PDF icon Piles et al., 2016
