Feed-a-Gene final meeting: registrations are open
On 22 and 23 January 2020, in Rennes, France, Jaap van Milgen (project coordinator) and the Feed-a-Gene partners will invite you to discover a wide range of novel concepts, devices and software that are ready to be picked up and transformed into innovations and business opportunities focused on feeds, genetics and feeding technologies for pigs, poultry and rabbits.
Join us to shape the future of production systems for pigs, poultry and rabbits at Hôtel de Rennes Métropole, Rennes, France
This 2-day UNIQUE and FREE event has been designed for stakeholders to understand and appropriate the results obtained through the Feed-a-Gene programme.
Not yet registered? : click here
On 22 January, participants will discover, handle and discuss results with researchers through plenary sessions and interactive coffee sessions. A first round of workshops will help participants to deepen their understanding of what Feed-a-Gene can offer to pig, poultry and rabbit farming, and to provide feedback.
On 23 January, a second round of workshops will take place, followed by a wrap-up session and a discussion on the sustainability and future of animal production systems.
To know more about this event, have a look at the provisional programme below and follow us to get up-to-date information in the comimng weeks: